Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Avoiding Toxins

From pesticides and fertilizers on our produce to toxic chemicals in our food, beauty products and cleaning products; toxins are everywhere.  The way we cook our food, the air we breathe, the water we drink, plastic bottles with bpa; the list is endless.
It's impossible to avoid all toxins so the best we can do is educate ourselves on what is toxic and avoid as many as possible by making better decisions on what we purchase.

A go-to website for me is the Environmental Working Group's site  http://www.ewg.org/
Here you can look up almost any product to see how toxic it is; from personal care items to cleaning products.  There's a score or grade telling you the level of toxicity and gives you details on what chemicals are in the product and what affect they have on you.
Here's an example:


LYSOL Disinfectant Spray, Garden Mist

Moderate Concern
Skin Allergies &
Some Concern
Developmental &
Reproductive Toxicity
High Concern
Low Concern
Moderate Concern
How does it rate: Scores for similar cleaners ranged from C to F. Search for a better Disinfectant
Top Scoring Factors: Corrosive; May contain ingredients with potential for developmental/endocrine/reproductive effects; respiratory effects; acute aquatic toxicity
There are numerous informative articles and guides such as 'Tips for Greener Cleaning' and '2012 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce.'

Here's a great article about cruciferous vegetables and how they can detox your body from toxins.
Aside from cruciferous vegetables, there are many other foods and herbs that detox your body from toxins.  There are also supplements that help the body detox.  Milk thistle is one that comes to mind which detoxes the liver.  
Herbs have phytochemicals which cause the herb to wash out the toxins from our bodies.
Here are some foods and herbs that help the body detox:

APPLE PECTIN. Apples are the most important of the blood cleansers. Apples contain high amounts of vitamin C and pectin. Pectin can block receptors on the surface of cancer cells; remove unwanted metals and toxins, which makes it valuable in radiation therapy. It will also help lower cholesterol, and reduces risk of heart disease and gallstones.

OATMEAL is another good food that cleanses the body and helps rid of toxins

Artichokes, garlic, citrus peels, pomegranate, and even cocoa; broccoli, kale, collards, brocollini, broccoli rabe, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, bok choy, Chinese cabbage, Chinese broccoli, watercress, cilantro are some other good foods we can use.
Green tea and water.
Vitamin C is especially a good toxin cleaner.


CHICORY (Cichorium intybus) is a very safe, very mild tonic. As a blood cleanser it has laxative and diuretic properties, but it is especially associated with protecting the liver from excessive caffeine consumption. It also is used to increase bile flow, decrease inflammations, aid in jaundice and lower cholesterol and blood sugar.

CLARY SAGE (salvia sclarea) is also a cleansing herb tonic.

BURDOCK ROOT, ( arctium lappa) a common herb that contains anti tumor properties, it can also reduce cell mutation.

YELLOW DOCK (rumex crispus) Yellow dock is one of the best cleansing tonics around. It is a detoxifer and also contains rumicin, a liver decongestant. Since liver disorders are often related to skin problems, it is effective in treating skin discolorations related to liver disease. It stimulates the liver to produce bile and strengthens the colon.

Yellow Dock was used as a vegetable during the Great Depression because of its high vitamin and mineral content.

DANDELION (Taraxacum officinale) GREENS. This is my favorite! Everyone knows what dandelion looks like. This weed that everyone hates is high in beta carotene, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium, as well as vitamins B,D,C,and E. .

Dandelion strengthen the whole system as well as the liver and gallbladder. Dandelion promotes the flow of bile, reduces inflammation of the bile duct and helps eliminate gallstones. Dandelion adsorbs toxins from the body, regulating intestinal bacteria and could prevent cancer.

FENNEL (foeniculum vulgare) helps to inhibit kidney stones, and clears the liver and lungs. ( and, using a pepper grinder, grind some fennel seed over your salad to go with the dandelions)

LICRICE ROOT (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Licorice root is a very good detoxifier and also aids in urinary and bowel disorders, and reduces arthritis inflammation by ridding the body of toxins. Licorice root protects the liver from such diseases as cirrhosis and hepatitis; reduces cancer tumors and can even kill off HIV cells before they turn into full blown AIDS.

MILK THISTLE if you are a heavy user of alcohol; take pharmaceutical drugs ; are a cancer patient undergoing chemo, milk thistle is an herb worth considering.

OREGON GRAPE (Mahonia aquifolium) has always been considered an excellent blood purifier and is important to liver health, by stimulating bile production, enhancing liver function and getting rid of system sluggishness. However, for those that have been overeating or eating rich food, they should use a gentler blood cleanser, like dandelion or apple pectin.

SWEET WOODRUFF (Galium odoratum) Sweet woodruff is good for liver disorders, and regulates heart activity. This herb is also used as a blood purifier and tonic; it cleanses kidney and bladder obstructions, particularly stones and relieves liver congestion and gallbladder difficulties.

I found the following list of ways to avoid toxins from www.earthharmonyeducation.com

1. Water: Drink and bathe in filtered water. Taking a shower or bath in chlorinated 
water cause the chlorine to go right into your blood stream. You can purchase 
shower filters that easily attach to your shower nozzle at Rebecca’s or online. 
There is also a bath ball to purify bath water. Swim in lakes, not chlorinated 

2. Avoid all perfumes, colognes, after shaves, hairsprays, air fresheners, etc. – all 
scented products. All contain neurotoxins. Aromatherapy grade scented oils 
from plants are a safer alternative. 

3. That “new car smell” is toxic volatile organic chemical (VOCs) out-gassing from 
the new plastic and adhesives in the car. Open the windows frequently to air out 
the car. 

4. Avoid all fabric softeners, dryer sheets, Clorox, and scented detergents such as 
Tide and others. These products are very toxic and very harmful to the 
environment as well. Ecover or Seventh Generation laundry detergents, white 
vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and borax are substitutes. Use white 
vinegar in a spray bottle for cutting boards and windows. Use baking soda for 
burned pans and toilets. Borax is a laundry booster. Use Bonami scouring 
powder or baking soda for sinks and toilets. 

5. Avoid all pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and fertilizer/pesticide combinations 
such as Scotts 4-step lawn fertilizer. Pesticides are neurotoxins and they don’t 
know the difference between bugs and you. 
a. Use Sentricon system for termites 
b. Victor mint oil spray for wasps and hornets 
c. mouse traps 
d. cedar blocks to prevent moths in wool blankets or sweaters
e. pheromone traps for meal moths 
f. use Milky Spore powder, a biological, for Japanese beetles in lawn or 
g. Burnout II from St. Gabriel Laboratories as a nontoxic weed control – it’s 
clove oil, vinegar, acetic acid and water (substitute for Roundup) 
h. Plant using right plant, right place 
i. Learn organic lawn care
j. Use organic fertilizers such as compost, rock phosphate, greensand, 

6. Use nontoxic personal care products. Learn which brands tend to have pure 
products. Here are some examples: Auromere, Aubrey organics, Eccobella. The skin absorbs what you put on your body. Use products that are pure 
enough to eat (food grade). 

7. Eat organic food (grown without herbicides or pesticides, and grown with 
compost or manure) as often as possible. Avoid processed foods, foods with 
colors and dyes and preservatives. Never consume products with Nutrasweet 
(aspartame). It is an excitotoxin – it kills brain cells! It is best to consume fresh, 
nutrient dense foods with naturally occurring antioxidants and minerals. 

8. Wear natural fiber clothing: cotton, wool, linen or silk. Permanent press/wrinkle 
resistant clothing is treated with formaldehyde. Conventional dry cleaning uses 
very toxic chemicals: perchloroethylene, formaldehyde, napthaline, benzene and 
others. A safe solution is to use dry cleaners that clean with the ecofriendly CO2 
process. Or hand wash with Ecover delicate fabric detergent. 

9. Use only 100% cotton, wool or silk bed linens and blankets. Avoid no-iron or 
wrinkle resistant. 

10. As much as possible avoid plastics and aluminum foil. Store food in glass jars. 
Also avoid particle-board, plywood, glues, inks, paints, foam rubber, vinyl, 
carpet, synthetic rugs, varnishes, solvents, etc. When painting, purchase paints 
that have a low VOC rating, or no VOC rating. 

11. Open your windows as often as possible. Even in the most polluted cities, the 
outdoor air has been found to be less toxic than indoor air. 

I hope this blog has opened your eyes to just how many toxic products there are.  Big companies don't seem to care that their products contain cancer causing chemicals.  They will tell you that it's safe in small amounts but our bodies cannot fully detox from all these chemicals and in time, they will cause damage to your dna. 
There are many alternative products that don't contain chemicals and yes, they may cost more but isn't your health worth it?
I believe if you eat healthy, (organic food as much as possible), avoid toxins as much as possible, detox by taking supplements and exercising, you can live a long healthy life.
I encourage you do to your own research.
Thanks for reading!

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